Why put your money in a bank and get 3% interest every 3 months when you can use it yourself to create higher returns?
I started my first business at age 13 and 13 years after, I'm still going. I'll be honest, I had my ups and downs like every great businessman or woman, but I don't give up and don't get scared.
Success will come my way. . . .VERY, VERY, SOON and SUCCESS CAN BE YOURS TOO if you begin to use your ideas, skills, intelligence and your $100 and turn it into MORE.
It's been a ROUGH, ROUGH ROAD, but endurance is key. See all I'm doing at: www.khrystuswallace.com
It's been a ROUGH, ROUGH ROAD, but endurance is key. See all I'm doing at: www.khrystuswallace.com
Many of the great successfuls of TODAY and YESTERDAY went through a HARD TIME (Bankruptcy, criticism, loss of friends and family, fired, called down by teachers) - but they are MULTI-MILLIONAIRES and BILLIONAIRES TODAY - because they NEVER GAVE UP. Meet some at: http://www.onlinecollege.org/2010/02/16/50-famously-successful-people-who-failed-at-first/
I have alot of great ideas - small and large. If you are ever interested in partnering, investing, starting a company together - visit www.kwconsultingskn.com or BB PIN: 220067D8 and let's start talking
Email: office@thesupplyshopinc.com
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